Friday 29 June 2012


Usually I tend to write about past experiences which have an affect on the present and share with you all.

Today is different because I had what I call a 'GRATITUDE ATTACK!'

Its a wonderful warm feeling when you notice it happen and the world around you seems to 'refresh'!

Each day I am blessed with the cheekiness and mischief my toddler son expresses - be it emptying his shampoo bottle all over the windows or proudly walking into the room with his toothbrush, very much squeezed toothpaste tube and minty toes to match his teeth!! Priceless!

Each day for him is a new adventure as he explores and discovers the world. He is emerging into a wonderful little fella who chases the clouds away everyday.

Today was the day for something else to emerge into our world....a butterfly! (sorry if you felt it was an anti climax!)

This beautiful creature fluttered around the garden- to get his bearings- for a good hour or so. Never going too far away and always coming back to perch on the garden chair. How good it must feel to be able to stretch out those wings, feel the warmth and let the warm breeze take you.

It was a wonderful experience and daft as it may sound to some, I felt privileged to be a part of this butterfly's journey.

As the butterfly gained confidence and realised just how much he could do and where he could go I bid him goodday and said thank he went.

It got me thinking, how wonderful it must feel for all those who have carers come into their life and share their own 'emergence' as they become able to do more after a difficult time.The visits cease or reduce and off they flutter. Beautiful.

So, what makes your day? I would love to know.

123Friendster.Com - More Butterfly Quotes Comments

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